Review out of the past

The Aware in good company. Pix by Russell Kirkpatrick

Thanks to the original reviewer, I just found out about a review of The Aware from back in June 2003.

Another nice one.
I am still waiting for the inevitable day when I receive a rotten review – that’s pessimist me, waiting for the second shoe to drop! Still, with 5 books on 3 continents in 3 languages, and still no sarcastic review rubbishing anything (not even on Amazon!), I am beginning to think that maybe I write an ok story. Guess I am a typical insecure author.

The review was in Broadsword, a wargaming/military history magazine. The reviewer, Donald Lamont, loved the plot and the action (says he wanted to grab a sword and jump right into the action himself!) and the characters; refers to Blaze Halfbreed cutting “a swathe across a very detailed and unique world” and ends by saying that that he “very much recommends it for anyone who reads fantasy,” because my writing style gave him the feeling of one of “those really good RPG sessions that you always talk about. Do yourself a favour and read this book.” Wow. Thanks Donald. The whole review is in Broadsword June 2003. I must admit I know nothing about roleplaying myself, never having done it. It was particularly satisfying to have the fights praised in such a magazine!

Over on Emerald City, there’s an announcement about Trudi Canavan’s new deal with Orbit for her new work, to be set in the Black Magician trilogy world. Congrats, Trudi…love to see Aussies go on to new successes. I love the bit about being the first fantasy author to take off like that in years!

Life in the technological fastlane

Back in the Dark Ages (I remember having a slate in what we called Standard 1)(yep, that long ago)
…in a little “country” school (it’s now an outer suburb of Perth, but then it was the back o’ beyond) (yep, that long ago)
…Grades 5 & 6 had a single teacher and shared a schoolroom and we kids shared twin desks which were nailed to the floor. Yep, that long ago.
The teacher was a madman from hell, whose idea was to terrorise everyone into learning. We started the day with something called “mental arithmetic”. He went around the class asking everyone in turn things like: if you paid tuppence for one apple, how much were 28 apples going to cost you in shillings and pence? (Yep, that long ago.)
Boys were sometimes caned for not being able to answer; girls were simple terrorised. (Yep, gender discrimination.)

I was not much good at mental arithmetic, but I was better than the friend I sat next to, so I used to make marks on the desk with a finger to tell her the answer. All this did have one good effect: I grew up not needing a calculator. I wouldn’t advocate the method for today’s kids – but sometimes I do wonder…

Today I bought 10 lightbulbs. I asked the shopgirl how much they were. She said, $1.80 each (Malaysian ringgit).

She then proceeded to use a calculator to tell her that 10 x 1.80 = $18.00.

Writing tips 3: the feral apostrophe

The Sunday regular blog: grammar and such…

There is nothing that so marks a piece of writing as unprofessional as a feral apostrophe.

And yet writing “it’s” when you mean “its” is an easy typo, and one that you can’t pick up with a spellcheck. Happily it usually does jump out at me from my own typing like a red flea on a black and white page. Unhappily, it does the same to me when I read it elsewhere. It prejudices me immediately. (And yet there is a certain member of my own family, who has a Masters from Oxford and a Ph.D from Cornell, who regularly sends me plaintive emails asking, ‘What’s the rule on “its” again?’)

Let’s be quite clear about one thing first before we deal with “its” and “it’s”:
PLURALS never take an apostrophe UNLESS they also show POSSESSION (ownership).

You can’t write: Bagel’s, application’s, war’s, boy’s – when all you mean is more than one bagel, application, war or boy. (And I don’t think there are going to be too many people reading this who think that you can!)
Example: You can write “the boys’ shouting was heard in the next street…”, meaning the shouting of a number of boys was heard; or you can write “The boy’s shouting was heard…” meaning the shouting of one boy was heard. But never, “The boy’s shouting in the next yard were heard all over the neighbourhood.” What you mean is that there were a number of boys shouting and they, the boys, were heard all over the neighbourhood. So it should read: “The boys shouting in the next yard were heard all over the neighbourhood.”.

And you CAN’T write “your’s”, “our’s”, “her’s”, “their’s” either, EVER. Even though possession is involved. There, that’s simple enough, isn’t it? NEVER, ever, ever. Don’t worry about why not, just remember the rule. It’s simple.

The trouble usually come with “its” because sometimes we do insert an apostrophe.

This is also quite simple to remember too:
“It’s” means “it is”. ALWAYS.
If it doesn’t mean “it is”, then spell it like this: “its”.
Don’t worry about why. Just do it. Easy, right?

How I write a novel (2)

I think, if anything, the only thing posts of mine on this subject are going to say of value is this: everyone has to select the way that best suits their own creative mind.

I obviously seem to hate to be squashed inside the rigid design of a chapter by chapter outline. My way is definitely not a method that I would advise for everyone. It could be disastrous.
So why does it work for me?

Think of writing the book like a bus ride.

Firstly, I always have a clear objective: I know exactly how the book is going to end. The terminus is there and I am heading towards it all the way. (Mid-journey, I have been known to change which door to the terminus I use, though, and change the ending to the book a bit.)

Secondly, although I may not know the roads the bus will take, I have vivid stops along the way clear in my mind and I do know the kinds of scenery there will be visible out of the windows. I know my world, although the details of the route may be indistinct when I get on to the bus.

Thirdly, I know the important people on the bus very well indeed.
Fourthly, I know what I want to talk about with those people, while I am on the bus. I know what are the most important elements of our conversations and the tales they will tell me – love, politics, betrayal, war, courage, ethics or action? – I know what I want to emphasize.

Because I have those important things clear in my mind, I don’t mind where the bus wanders as it goes along. I don’t count the stops it makes, or exactly what I see through the windows, or who climbs on or off – those things become clear as I travel. Sometimes I tell the driver where to go; other times it’s the other passengers that direct the journey. I am careful, though, about the plot dictating too much of the route. That’s the mark of an unskilled navigator.

Why is it a method that I enjoy? Because it allows me to improve the story as I write – to spot interesting things out of the window as I travel, to ask interesting questions of those characters on the bus. I’m not so caught up in the map of the trip and with the timetable that I can’t see opportunity when it shows up.

And, oh yes, because I love writing… but hate writing synopses and outlines – even outlines done just for myself.

I have a friend who has a brilliant idea for a sf novel. Yet he’s so involved in the planning, he has never got past the first chapter. If he used my method and wrote, damn it, he might have finished it by now.

I shall talk more about the process in future posts.

BLOG INDEX: My books

Heart of the Mirage (book 1 of The Mirage Makers)

Fifth Review of Heart of the Mirage May 31, 2006
Fourth Review (Heart of the Mirage) May 26, 2006
Third Heart of the Mirage Review May 10, 2006
Anticipation. For Ages May 08, 2006
Second Review (Heart of the Mirage) May 03, 2006
First Review (Heart of the Mirage) May 01, 2006
Feedback trickles in…. April 28, 2006
Heart of the Mirage extract April 10, 2006
About Heart of Mirage March 27, 2006
So what’s the book about? March 23, 2006
The Mirage Makers trilogy map March 03, 2006
Orange in April March 01, 2006

Isles of Glory trilogy: The Aware, Gilfeather, The Tainted

Covers again: gotta love ’em March 19, 2006
There are covers…and there are, um, covers March 10, 2006
The Isles of Glory US edition February 07, 2006

Havenstar (writing as Glenda Noramly)

Havenstar sells….! March 03, 2006
The Russian translation March 24, 2006
Havenstar makes money February 19, 2006

How I write a novel (1)

I wish there was a formula.
Do this, so that, and there you are.
But alas, there are as many different ways of writing as there are authors, and each author may not stick to the same method for each novel.

I would love to say that I’m ultra-organised – that I know exactly what I am going to write before I put fingers to the keys, that I have a chapter by chapter synopsis written, that I know how long each chapter will be, and indeed, how many chapters there will be..

There are authors that do it that way. I’m not one of them.

Here’s how it starts: I get an idea. I start mulling over it, usually while I am still writing the previous book. I think about it in the car, under the shower, while exercising or washing the dishes; any spare moment, in fact. I don’t write anything down at this stage.

Here’s how it worked for Heart of the Mirage. I read something about the Disappeared Ones in Argentina – the people who vanished during the Argentina military junta. And that connected with what I knew of the Lost Generation of Aboriginal Australians. And I started to wonder what it would have been like for the young children who were ‘disappeared’. How would they grow up? What sort of adults might they be?

So that’s the first idea. A single idea doesn’t make a book, though; only a short story. Gradually I add a whole lot of other ideas. And then gradually it starts to take form. I build a world and a story – in my mind – to put the ideas in. By the time I am ready to start writing, the basic book is there. I have the fantasy elements, I have a handful of main characters, I have the land, the beginning, the end and a couple of key scenes in between. I’ve jotted down a few key points.

Notice what’s not there: no minor characters, no minor sub-plots, no idea of how I get from the beginning to the next main scene. As I say, I am really disorganised. What I do have at this stage (which is at least a year from when I had the initial idea), is a detailed beginning. I know who is there and what they look like and how they feel. I know all about where they are, and why. I know their weaknesses, their motivations, the tensions between them. I know what they are going to be doing or talking about. I have a good idea of what the next major scene is, but very little idea of how I am going to get there.

That’s when I start writing.

It’s not a method that is going to work for most writers – it is far too unorganised. And yet it seems to work for me. As I begin writing, so much seems to immediately become clear. The characters are so real to me, that they seem to know what they are going to do, or say, all by themselves. They even surprise me sometimes.

It’s a method that has pitfalls. I often have to go back and rewrite bits in, or swap scenes around, or change something because I later realise that the plot needs its underpinnings tweaked before I proceed further. And it has a major advantage.

More about all that tomorrow.

BLOG INDEX: After Publication – the bumpy road of a published writer

When Friends and Booksellers Rock… June 16th, 2006

Why Fantasy and not Sci Fi? June 27th , 2006

It’s a Quirky World June 03, 2006

What’s with this middle book thing? May 25, 2006

When readers get it wrong… May 11, 2006

Feedback trickles in… April 28, 2006

If you don’t read fantasy, read this.
April 04, 2006

Author Trepidation March 30, 2006

Ten things I have learned as a Fantasy Writer
March 26, 2006

The Mystery of the Missing Middle Book March 15, 2006

The Downside of Being a Writer March 14, 2006

Writing in the Tradition of… February 25, 2006

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Fame… February 20, 2006

An Author’s View of Reviews
February 9, 2006

BLOG INDEX: Writing Tips / Tips on Getting Published

Grammar – being too clever July 2nd 2006

Who, whom etc. More Grammar. June 25th 2006

The Feral Apostrophe June 11 2006 [Grammar]

Beta Readers December 6th 2007

The First Person Point of View October 30th 2006

Writing in the First Person Point of View October 31st 2006

Was it possible to have a Feminist Society? January 17th 2007 [World building]

Need help writing a novel? January 15th 2008

Secret of Writing a Good Book September 29th 2007

Actively Voicing the Passive July 31st 2006 [Grammar]

No Such Thing as Writer’s Block? August 4th 2006

On How to Get Published August 11th, 2006 [Is it necessary to have connections?]

How Long Should a Book Be? August 30th, 2007 [Length]

Writing a Fantasy Novel Synopsis March 11th, 2007 [Synopsis]

How I write a novel (7) July 25th 2006 [World Building]

On wanting to get published March 22nd 2007 [When should one give up?]

Creating a world June 27th 2007

How I Write a Novel (6) July 23rd, 2006 [on the Editor’s edit]

How I Write a Novel (5) July 12th, 2006 [on Beta Readers]

How I write a Novel (4) July 6th, 2006 [on sentence by sentence editing]

How I write a Novel (3) June 23, 2006 [the journey 2]

How I write a Novel (2) June 09, 2006 [the journey 1]

How I write a Novel (1) June 08, 2006 [before starting, and the beginning]

Grammar: a look at some commas July 9th, 2006

Writing tip 2: Grammar again – which or that? June 04, 2006

Practical advice for writers: What’s that? May 28, 2006

What a Literary Agent can and should be May 27, 2006

Coincidence: in fact and fiction May 23, 2006

The “Ten Things I hate to see in a book” meme May 11, 2006

A First review…and why aren’t kangaroos invisible? May 01, 2006

Getting the language of the period and place right… April 30, 2006

World Building April 23, 2006

Words of Writerly Wisdom or the Discouragement of Dastardly Doomsayers? April 20, 2006

The Perfect Chapter April 19, 2006

On Being a Writer: making the dream come true – step 1 March 20, 2006

Advice to writers: your first novel March 03, 2006

What’s the hardest part of a novel to write? February 24, 2006

What’s luck got to do with it? February 16, 2006

A New York without monuments

Now I know why I didn’t see any monuments in New York. I thought it was because we were in the company of an adorable two-year-old who was more interested in playgrounds and watching trains in the subway, but the truth was, according to the Dept of Homeland Security, that NY doesn’t have monuments. Right. Glad I have that straight in my mind. At least I guess that means no one is going to blow anything up there any more.

Anyway, here’s a grandma and a two-year-old’s New York. Playgrounds and the zoo in Central Park, and me gawping at the sight of trishaws in NY. Here in Malaysia those are a symbol of a past we want to leave behind.
Such is life – somewhere along the line what is old ceases to be out-of-date and dowdy, and becomes quaint and chic. Would that would happen to me too…

Writing tips 2: Grammar again

Sunday again, so here’s the second “writing tips” blog.

Which or that?

The problem arises when either of these two words is used as a relative pronoun (if you really want to know the name).

{What’s a relative pronoun? Well, it’s a word that introduces a clause and refers to an antecedent. And if you don’t know what the heck that means, it really doesn’t matter, because the examples below make it clear what a relative pronoun is.}

All you have to do is remember one simple rule:

that defines what goes before
which doesn’t, it just gives you a bit more info about what went before.

Look at these 2 examples:

The river, which here is brackish and tidal, is of vital importance to shipping.
The rivers of the region that are tidal are of vital importance to shipping.

In the first sentence, the bit between the commas just gives you more info about the river. It doesn’t tell you which particular river. The writer is assuming you already know what river s/he is talking about.

In the second sentence, the words “that are tidal” actually tell you which rivers we are talking about: the tidal ones. The others are, by inference, not of importance to shipping.

Here are some more examples:

1. The team, which consisted of boys under sixteen, won handsomely.
(Which team won? The one that I was talking about!)
2. The team that consisted of boys under sixteen won handsomely.
(Which team won? The {only} one that consisted of boys under 16!)

3. The team that I bet on won handsomely.
(Which team won? The {only} one that I bet on!)
4. The team, which I bet on, won handsomely.
(Which team won? The one that I was talking about!)

The above 2 sets of sentences are all grammatically correct, but the sentences in each set don’t mean the same thing.

In sentence 1, you already know which team I am talking about. Then I give you more info – they are under-16 boys.
In sentence 2, you don’t know what team I am taking about , so I have to tell you: it’s the one with the under-16 boys.

In sentence 3, I am defining the team – it was the one I bet on.
In sentence 4, you already know what team – but I am giving you more info.

Note the commas in the which sentences, and the lack of them in the that sentences. Why? Because in sentences 2 & 3, the subject of the verb is the whole shebang.…(The team that I bet on…)and you can’t divide it up with commas and cut it off from its verb. Don’t try.

Look at this sentence:

There will be a split in the Labour Party over this war, comparable to the split in the Liberal Party that occurred on the question of taxation, which everyone seems to have forgotten.

More complex, but the same principles still apply.

In this case, “that occurred on the question of taxation” defines the split in the Liberal Party.
“which everyone seems to have forgotten” is just extra info about the split in the Liberal Party.

Note that the sentence could be organised a different way:

There will be a split in the Labour Party over this war, comparable to the split in the Liberal Party, which everyone seems to have forgotten, that occurred on the question of taxation.

I wouldn’t advise this rewording. The “that” clause is separated out from the words that it defines, which is never a good idea if you can avoid it!

Easy, huh?