

No booklover goes to Wales without wanting to go to Hay-on-Wye. I mean, who can resist a very small town that has some 30 or so bookshops and book-related stores?
Add to that, the fact that it is situated in lovely Welsh countryside, and you have a perfect day’s outing. In fact, I could have spent a week and a lot of money…
Above: the town carpark
Above: and look what I found! (see last pix below if you don’t know what I mean…)
Books are everywhere, and note the inset tiles on Richard Booth’s Bookshop. They also had a cat sound asleep in an armchair just inside the door.

View from the Castle Bookstore – note more of the outdoor shelves and the distant view
A few streets winding streets make up this gorgeous town
Above: Richard Booth’s – one of the many gorgeous bookstores


Hay-on-Wye — 14 Comments

  1. I couldn't spot Havenstar – I thought it was out of print? How wonderful to find it, did you buy it for your readers who can't find it elsewhere? Ru sent me my copy.

  2. I often think second hand book stores are better than new ones. There was a store in North Carolina which had both and I loved to browse through the second hand shelves. Its also where a lot of my books went when I decided to stop toting so many books around the world. By this time they had travelled from the UK to Canada, to the US and Matt said no more when we came back to Canada. I still have a hell of a lot of books though.

  3. They're obviously a much better class of secondhand bookshop in Wales than Sydney — there've been no sightings of the rare beast here! Hay on Wye is heaven on a stick for a booklover, isn't it!

  4. They also have a June festival.

    Webfaery, my agent is working on finding a publisher, or failing that, we will POD it some time, or get an eBook version. The book after the Stormlord trilogy will be set in the Havenstar world (not, though, a follow on) so I want Havenstar out there somewhere.

  5. Havenstar! That is one of you books I would love to see printed here in the US. It sounds like a wonderful read. It is wonderful you found one. 🙂 Wild things you come across in stores. 😉

  6. Jo, It does sound like an Amazing read. Do you think we could talk the publishers in US to pick it up and print? 🙂 I would love to read it from the synopsis everywhere I have read. Thanks!

  7. Melissa, I have just checked on Amazon.com and they have 9 used copies of Havenstar for sale. Starting at $22.79.

    Hey Glenda, you should go on line to their site, there is a great review hailing you as a master story-teller and describes it as a magical tale in a world that is wonderfully realised.

  8. Yes, it is a great review, isn't it? The reviewer is a bookseller in Australia. I have not met him. The book was actually never on sale in the US except as part of a remaindered lot.

    There are 11 five-star reviews over on amazon.co.uk, btw! Nice!

  9. Jo, I am going to save up here and have to try to get a copy. It sounds like an amazing read, and it will be one of those charished books on my shelf. All the reviews are really great. Thank you!

  10. Wild guess – similar name Debra Larke used to be a friend of mine – just thought I’d ask if you know her

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