Publishing news

Well, there’s bad news and there’s good news….
Bad news first.

There is a delay in the publishing of Guérisseur, the French translation of “Gilfeather”, and therefore also of the third book in Les Iles Glorieuses trilogy as well. My apologies to my French readers. The books will come, just not yet a while.
They will now be published under the Pygmalion imprint of J’ai Lu, I believe; look for Guérisseur late next year.

Je suis si désolé. Mes excuses.

And now the good news.

I have been sitting on this for some time now, waiting for contracts and such – you know, never quite sure of anything until things are signed, sealed and delivered. That has not yet happened, so I was quite (delightfully) startled to see this on the UK Amazon site…


Storm Quest (Paperback)
by Glenda Larke (author)

Product details

  • Paperback: 704 pages
  • Publisher: Orbit (3 Sep 2009)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10: 1841498114
  • ISBN-13: 978-1841498119


It has an ISBN already!!
So I guess it really is a done deal.

You are looking at one very, very happy author.
I love Orbit.


Publishing news — 11 Comments

  1. Congratulations! I’ll mark my calendar so I can get it from the Book Depository. They’re wonderful for getting British books sent to the U.S. at a decent price.

  2. Hehe I have pre-ordered it! I honestly cannot wait to read this; I’ve been longing for it ever since you described the concept to us!

    Good luck with the rest of the trilogy!

  3. Cool ! C’est génial !! Here it’s a great news ! i will have to keep in my bag some english dictionary nextly ^^

    That is a shame for my french friends. When will i be able to offer them the 3 books ?

    Pour pouvoir élargir votre public français il faudrait mieux planifier les publications, et avec un certain rythme, car les livres sont nombreux chez nous comme dans les autres pays. J’ai eu un mal fou à trouver le premier tome en français, les grands libraires de chez moi ne connaissent pas. Publier avec autant d’écart 2 tomes c’est un peu bête je trouve ^^

  4. Gynie, I have actually heard that they are going to start all over again with the new imprint – i.e. re-publish Clairvoyante as well! C'est drole, ça, et je ne le comprends pas. But that's publishing for you.

    Heavens, Elliott – you must be my absolute first customer world wide, I think! Thank you…

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