Writerly perks…

Ok, I admit it, I’m a sucker for ego-stroking. Having spent most of my life being cast into a shadow by the man I married, it is nice to be recognised in my own right.

And having a place in a 2008 diary, along with lots of other HarperCollins Voyager authors is, well, nice. Thanks so much to the Voyager marketing/publicity team.

How to get hold of the diary? Well, I hear it’s being handed out to Australian booksellers and sff fans who are supportive of Voyager (by buying lots of Voyager books?) , so if you fit the bill, look out for it. It is a fun production and tells you just how mad some of us authors are…


Writerly perks… — 8 Comments

  1. Now you can tell your friends that you are a genuine calendar girl.:-)

    I’m amazed that you can write under such noisy and distracting conditions.
    The tunnel you enter when you read a good book must be similar to the one you enter when you write but soundproof as well.

  2. Maybe it’s something stay-at-home mothers learn in order to stay sane? It’s true, my writing tunnel is soundproof (much to the exasperation of my family at times…)

  3. Calendar girl, heh. Well, maybe Voyager will decide to do a ‘nude authors’ calendar for 2009 to boost publicity. You never know. If the WI can do it…

  4. From Little Fox..

    did you really say in a chinese coffee shop next to a really noisy coffin maker? Makes you wonder why the coffin maker is in the coffee shop…. was the coffee that bad? 😀

  5. Lol! Actually Malaysian coffee is often that bad, stiff with suger, sweetened condensed milk and even ghee or butter. But actually the coffin-maker was next door, and like so many Malaysian shops, both were open fronted.

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