When I started down the road to being a published author, there were times I wanted it so bad it was a physical ache. I would carefully calculate exactly how long before I could expect to hear back from the … Continue reading
Glenda Larke
…the only trouble is that it is not making money for me! On Amazon.co.uk the secondhand price is now a whopping big 163.07 pounds sterling for one copy. (Are they mad?) Never mind, someone has it on sale for a … Continue reading
Now I know a lot of people, including Malaysians, are going to look at that title and wonder what the hell I am going on about now. But there will also be a lot of people out there – from … Continue reading
I feel as though I just escaped a scam. I went along to my local travel agent to book a ticket to New York under the current travel fair cheap ticket week. Luckily for me, before I went, I checked … Continue reading
We all know that feeling. You start reading a book, even perhaps a best seller, and after a few pages you think to yourself, ‘How on earth did this ever get into print? I could do better!’ When you’re unpublished, … Continue reading
….without having to wade through all the blogging trivia, take a look at what is happening over at Emerald City. Cheryl Morgan has had the intelligent idea of an author-contributing blog (in fact, not just authors but others in the … Continue reading
It’s beginning to look likethe world was made by a committee. So maybe… Now is the time for all good mento comfort the ache of their country. Ouch. … Continue reading
Photo: the Orkneys, Scotland, after Sff Worldcon 2005: from left, Paul Ewins, self, Donna Hanson, my daughter Natasha and Trudi. I love seeing my fellow Australian sff authors do well. I love it when they are fellow Voyager authors. I … Continue reading
I have been watching this whole Danish cartoon thingy with the sinking feeling of someone watching a landslide gathering momentum and debris on its rapidly widening downhill path. I know its roots: people staring across a deep divide in utter … Continue reading
This morning we went for our usual morning walk at dawn, along the banks of a river through a nearby park. On the mudflats, migrating egrets come and go with the seasons, as do many other Russian and Chinese visitors, … Continue reading