Romantic Times has nice things to say about Book 3

Every author waits with trepidation for the very first review of a book about to be published.  And I am happy to say, that the first for THE FALL OF THE DAGGER is very positive!


Larke seamlessly blends various storylines together to create a satisfying end to The Forsaken Lands trilogy. Her world building shines, as always…

This is a series for any reader who loves lush worlds, complex plots and characters to root for...



Romantic Times has nice things to say about Book 3 — 6 Comments

  1. You certainly do Glenda and you are one of the best. Great critique from Romantic Times. When is the book actually being released?

  2. 19th April. I haven't got my own copies yet! In fact this week I asked the Orbit office in NY whether they had any, and they said no…

  3. I am also looking forward to it, I treat books like my own chef's tasting menu so I'm trying to be careful about what book I pick between Brandon's excellent Calamity and your book Glenda. Hmmm perhaps I'll finally read Throne of Glass in between.

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