Every author waits with trepidation for the very first review of a book about to be published. And I am happy to say, that the first for THE FALL OF THE DAGGER is very positive!

Larke seamlessly blends various storylines together to create a satisfying end to The Forsaken Lands trilogy. Her world building shines, as always…
This is a series for any reader who loves lush worlds, complex plots and characters to root for...
I can't wait to read it!! I am reading Lian Hearn's new book right now, so I feel all Australian while I wait!!
We have so many great Australian spec fic writers to choose from now!
You certainly do Glenda and you are one of the best. Great critique from Romantic Times. When is the book actually being released?
19th April. I haven't got my own copies yet! In fact this week I asked the Orbit office in NY whether they had any, and they said no…
I am also looking forward to it, I treat books like my own chef's tasting menu so I'm trying to be careful about what book I pick between Brandon's excellent Calamity and your book Glenda. Hmmm perhaps I'll finally read Throne of Glass in between.
Good choice, Daniel.