The photos below all show the mash-up of styles that occurs when a church is built over a long period of time — and then repaired and extended as the years go by. The end result is an extraordinary building. There’s everything from Norman carved austerity to Renaissance frivolity. The capitals and plinths  can vary in design from one pillar to the next, depending on when they were built.

Here’s the altar:

And a side isle chapel:

The original organ was smashed in Puritan years…

The ceiling of the belfrey is visible from the transept (where all four pieces of the cruciform shape meet in a tower). It is a 19th century repainting of the original woodwork:

Renaissance stalls at the side of the choir, and a stone screen from the late 15th century (recycled from another church at the time of the reformation?):

The side aisle with lovely 12th chevron mouldings:

Most of the church was repaved in the late 14th century, when the flooring was already 200 years old… and much has been replaced since then as well.



  1. I assume you were told all this, I wouldn't know one period from another. Maybe you are a lot better informed than I am. It is an interesting church though with lots of history. The smashing of the organ would be a good point for a story.

  2. Loved your photos of St Cross. As a student I spent a summer helping on the dig on the site of the previous cathedral at Winchester.

  3. Last one, I promise! Your research reminds me of what Ken Follett wrote about his inspiration for writing "Pillars of the Earth". He studies the great cathedrals for 10 years before daring to write about the medieval period instead of his best selling thrillers. This is recounted in a special intro to the paperback edition of Pillars.

  4. That article in the Sydney Morning Herald was very disturbing. We in the industry of book publication are all struggling at the moment.

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