Back in the days of yore…
Ok, back in about 1997 or 1998, my agent, who lives in UK, told me I should start going to science fiction conventions now that I had my first book accepted for publication. I said, ‘Conventions? What are they?’
She explained, and it all seemed rather strange and alien. I couldn’t imagine me, all alone, rolling up to a place where I knew no one and no one knew me – and not just for one day, either. For several days, and at great expense, seeing as I live in Malaysia where there is no such event.
Yeah, well, I’ve come a long way since then. Once I got the hang of this thing called the internet*, I investigated and it all seemed intriguing. So I decided I’d give one a try. I timed a visit to Perth to see my sister with the Easter holidays, then twisted her arm to come with me for the first day of Swancon 2004. Fortunately she’s an ex teacher-librarian with a love of SF/F, and she was happy to oblige.
No one knew who I was, my first Oz published books were not long out, but I was welcomed, shoved onto panels, met a whole slew of terrific people many of whom are still friends, and generally had a ball. Tim Powers was the main guest, and was totally delightful. I still remember his GoH speech.
I was hooked for life. I’ve loved cons ever since. Donna Hanson somehow got me to go from Perth to Canberra for Conflux 2004 immediately afterwards. That was the first time I met Russell Kirkpatrick… The main GoH was Greg Benson.
I went back the next year to another Swancon (Charles de Lint was the main guest).
Even now, I still haven’t got over being on the same panel with famous writers.
In 2008 I was totally gobsmacked to be asked to Swancon as their Australian GoH. I was incredibly moved to have my hometown ask me back as a guest. Even more fabulously, the international GoH was Ken McLeod, and writer Rob Shearman of Dr Who fame was a guest as well. What a great con.
So, above you have several reasons to go to a SF Con, especially ones in Perth.
Reason No 3: You make lifelong friends
Reason No 4: You can end up on panels — or attend them
I’ve been to other Australian conventions since: Continuum 2005 in Melbourne, which had one of the funniest debates I’ve ever heard — after all how can you go wrong with Neil Gaiman, Russell Kirkpatrick and Kim Wilkins (Lord, how could ANYONE ever forget her speech???), Poppy Z.Brite and Richard Harland taking sides on the subject of whether humans are creatures natural or unnatural…
Reason No 5: Writers are often also very witty speakers…
Most of that con I actually spent with the Harper Voyager and their authors, including Robin Hobb. I think that was the time I first met author Karen Miller, whom I now count a very special friend.
Then there was Natcon/Convergence in Melbourne in 2007, which was where I first met Dave Freer, who was one of the guests, and was later enticed back to Oz to live.
Reason No 6: You meet some of your favourite authors…
And in the meantime I was also investigating my first Worldcon, in Glasgow in 2005, and my second in Denver in 2008, my third in Melbourne last year.
So, if you live in Oz and aren’t going to Swancon/Natcon – the 50th Natcon, by the way – why not? Come to think of it, you don’t have to live in Oz to go. I don’t.
See here for more info. It’s 21st-25th April (Easter) 2011. And I am one of a whole stack of invited guests. Don’t miss it.
I would love to, but I guess I never will.
As for computers, I started even before Apple II Glenda, I had computers before Windows was a twinkle in Bill Gates' eye. My first PC was operated with cassette tapes.
Why I am going to Swancon: in no small part to see an author named Glenda Larke again!
Oh, thank you, Mary! It'll be fun, won't it?
Jo, you should look to see if there are any within reasonable distance to where you live. Small local cons can be a lot of fun — and seriously cheaper.
Yay! I am starting to get so excited! I have so much work to do!

Some time ago Mary Victoria was sending me some lovely bookplates, discovered I live in Perth and asked if she'd be meeting me at Swancon. I'd never considered going – up until then. For pretty much the same reasons you quoted Glenda. My first thought was: what am I going to do at something like that? After all, I'm not an author, I'm just a fan. And I'm not even 'that' kind of fan – one of 'those' fans who get involved and dress up and all that stuff, I'm ust a 'reader' kind of fan.
I've been to other types of conferences before and had a great time but they've been conferences for industries I've worked in.
I mumbled an excuse to Mary along the lines that we'll have visitors at the time. But the truth is that the visitor at that time will be my mum and she wouldn't mind at all if I went off for a day and did my own thing. After all, I won't have had a day to myself 'doing my own thing' for over a month at that stage due to her visit and an overlapping visit by my mother-in-law prior to that.
I mentioned Mary's question to my husband and his response was, "you should go, you know you'll enjoy meeting the people." Wonderful husband that I have
So, the thought has been there brewing and bubbling in the back of my mind. The bubbling became quite rapid when you first made this post, Glenda, but still I've done nothing about it.
Now here I am half way through my mother-in-law's visit and in need of some 'me' time. My thoughts and my conversations seem to have turned to Swancon and reached a rapid boil. It's time I did something about it. So I ask you this: on which day should I plan to go?
(will probably cross-post a version of this comment on my blog)
Hi Deb — sorry I didn't get back to you on this earlier; I've been away.
The best thing to do is to look at the programme schedule and decide which day interests you most. Thursday and Monday don't have full programmes, so look at the other days.
And be sure to come up and say hi to me! To be frank – my favourite people at cons are readers who want to talk to me about books and what they are are reading and why…
I knew you'd been away, so I wasn't concerned that you hadn't answered.
Right now I'm leaning towards Sunday. And I'll definitely say hello.