This one from ASIF (Australian Speculative Fiction in Focus), and the review is written by Tehani Wessely. You can read the whole thing here.
It starts with the words: Stormlord Rising is possibly the best Book Two of a series I have ever read.
And ends:
Written so fluidly that the intertwining plot threads weave seamlessly together as the pages progress, Stormlord Rising is a page turner of classic magnitude. The action leaps off the page, supported by characters so well-drawn you fall in love with them, but in the hands of an author not afraid to kill off her darlings, which is a heart-pounding combination!
I read this book in the bath, in bed, feeding the baby and in the wee hours. I simply could not put it down. While it’s a huge book, it was so well put together that the pages flew by and I can only hope there’s not too long to wait for Book Three!
I echo these sentiments wholeheartedly, especially the last sentence *g*
I second Jo.
I know I am excited to get to Stormlord Rising with just finishing Last Stormlord. Now you are making it harder on me.
Sounds like the books is definitely one of the best, which goes right along with the first book.