This is a new experience for me. First of all that there are reviews galore, and secondly that they are so uniformly brilliant. Sooner or later someone is going to kick my butt, surely…?
Never mind, I am having a ball enjoying the fact that other people enjoy my books. Wallowing in it, in fact. Like eating Belgian chocolate cake with real cream…without feeling queasy.
But do apologise to you, my blog readers. I am sure you are getting sick of the diet, but I can’t stop! I adore reviews! Never mind, if you don’t want to read yet another extract from yet another review, skip to the pictures instead. Taken when we were birding in Brisbane. The bird is Australia’s approximation to a wild turkey, actually a Brush-Turkey and a mound builder. You are quite likely to see them in carparks and town parks…
This is extract from the Rob Will Review and the review is by Thomas Scofield:

I am sure you are enjoying the reviews which are so good, but then so is the book. All these praises are fully justified in my opinion and I am sure that opinion is shared by many.
Enjoyed the pictures too.
Jo, you are SO good for my ego…