My fifth shortlisting for the Best Fantasy Novel of the year, this time with The Last Stormlord. Every year I’ve had a book nominated because it was eligible, I’ve been shortlisted, which doesn’t actually encourage me to think I will ever win, but who cares? I am very, very happy!
Others shortlisted:
Peter M. Ball, Horn, Twelfth Planet Press
Trudi Canavan, Magician’s Apprentice, Orbit
K.E. Mills, Witches Incorporated, HarperVoyager
K.J. Taylor, The Dark Griffin, HarperVoyager
The only one I’ve read is the book I beta read – Karen Miller’s. (As usual, none of them are available here yet, that I have seen.) Nice to see a small press out there with a novel nomination.
And there’s lots of my pals out there in the other categories too.
Now this rates as a very good day.
Great news, Glenda.
Congrats, Glenda
Well I wish you a win, but I would wish Karen the same. I certainly think The Last Stormlord deserves it.
Yeah, Jo, I feel a bit the same way. I know Trudi too – and she is a fine writer as well. So I am a bit conflicted. Feels funny to be slogging it out with friends! Makes it nice though if one of them wins instead of me.
I haven't read some of the other writers, I will have to look into it seeing your book is not yet available. I have asked a friend to mail it to me the minute it is published in Oz.
Go you!!!!!
Hi Glenda,
Congratulations on the shortlisting. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
really happy to hear this Glenda and all the best.
Crossing fingers and toes too for you, Glenda — congratulations!
Thanks, everyone! I'm so excited about going to Brisbane…