A Walk in the Hills

Once upon a time, there were six more or less middle-aged ladies who decided to go for a walk. They were from five different countries – the U.S., Israel, Scotland, Australia and Austria. They lived in five different countries (add Switzerland and Malaysia to the mix) and only one lived in the country of her original nationality. Most of them had never met before that week. And together they had another perfect day…
It was obvious from the first that the weather was going to be co-operative. The first pic was taken from the boat as they steamed up Lake Como…

To the town of Argenio…(second pic)
Where they took a cable car almost vertically up to a town called Pigra (third and fourth pix).

In Pigra those ladies looked into the distance at a town called San Fidele, nestling in a valley and surrounded by hills …

and decided to walk there.
They didn’t actually make it, but along the way were views to die for, and another delightful town called Blessagno…
where the pizza was delicious…
the red wine tangy…
and the home-made tiramisu melted on the tongue into a glorious mix of delicate flavours.

And because one of those ladies (me) is intrigued by the tiny, you also have photos of a few small things along the way…a religious statue set into the wall of a house, some old building techniques and

… the rare and protected Dark Columbine Aquilegia atrata.

And then we returned to Argenio to take the ferry back to our hotel near Como

…with lots of memories.

So, here’s to Doris (whose idea it was), Carter, Liz, Elena, Sandy … and thanks for a lovely day.


A Walk in the Hills — 7 Comments

  1. Thanks for sharing another perfect day with us and showing us the pictures.

    Will take note of the fight with Amazon.

  2. Beautiful landscape. Understandable why you didn’t make it to San Fidele (i.e. pizza, tiramisu and red wine). The aquilegia looks suspiciously like one we used to have in our garden … but I promise we didn’t smuggle it back from Italy!

  3. Thanks for more great photos!

    The one taken during the ascent from the back of the cable car is a clear winner for me.

  4. Fantastic day, fantastic pics! This rather more than middle-aged lady wishes she had been there with you!

  5. I am almost ashamed to have enjoyed myself so much and then to be rubbing it in with the pix…almost.

    Hrugaar, A.atrata is identified by the stamens protruding very noticeably under the petals. It is more likely that you have the not-necessarily-alpine Common Columbine.

    Ah, Satima, I wish you could have been too.

  6. hello !
    hop là ! i’ve learned about a new flower ^^ it’s called Ancolie in french. love it ! love your pictures!

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