Pictures taken by my husband in the market, Kuala Terengganu. The prickly durian, much favoured fruit of nearly all Malaysians, in spite of its overpowering smell; and keropok lekor.
Think of it as fish sausage – made from fish paste and flour, basically. What it looks like, I’ll let you decide.
It has yet to be cooked – either boiled or baked, and eaten with lots of chilli hot sauce.
Oh, and note the lady selling the keropok on the left – traditional style for Terengganu and Kelantan states – sitting cross-legged on the counter.
Keropok sounds delicious, actually (assuming that fish “paste” means ground-up fish flesh, as opposed to ground-up… well, fish offal).
What does it taste like? Does the fact that it’s typically accompanied by large quantities of hot chilli sauce indicate that its flavour is bad? Or just bland? I’m wondering if it’s analogous to Indian curry being strong-flavoured to hide the taste of over-ripe meat.
Is Sago flour used, or regular wheat?
I have always wanted to try durian which I understand is delicious despite its unpleasant smell. I have an advantage here, I lost my sense of smell so could try it without a problem. I agree, I would try the keropok lekor too, one of my favourite Indian foods used to be Bombay Duck which they don’t allow to be imported here any more.
I don’t think it’s wheat flour – might be rice flour. Not sure to tell the truth. It tastes…fishy.
Many (most?) Malaysians eat chilli with just about anything, and many find non-chilli flavoured food bland.
YOu’d probably love durian then, Jo. My mother never tasted it till she was in her 70’s and she loved it, smell and all. Can’t say I can see what it is that people rave about.
Yes to both. I love durian, and haven’t eaten keropok lekor in years! You can buy durian in Perth, Western Australia. It’s always defrosted (so less pungent) and usually from Thailand. Have never ever seen keropok lekor here…
Disclaimer: I was born in Malaysia, which might explain my love of both foods