HEART of the MIRAGE available in Kuala Lumpur

So here I am back in Kota Kinabalu, recovering…I am scratching from monstrous itchy patches all over (reaction to sandfly bites I think).

And the trip was not without incident – Noramlyed a couple of times, if you count being somewhere off the coast of Sabah, poised between the Sulu and the Sulawesi Seas, with both boat engines not working on a rough day…

But I’ll keep that story for later. I shall be putting up photos of the trip in the days to come.

In the meantime:

Kitty tells me (bless you, Kitty) that the Orbit edition of book 1 of The Mirage Makers is now available in MPH in Kuala Lumpur – so go look for it. Buy it. It’s called Heart of the Mirage and you will find it in the Science Fiction and fantasy section of the larger MPH stores. If it is not there, they will get it in for you.

And here’s the progress for the new book (yes, I did some writing of Drouthlord while I was away):

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
168,232 / 180,000

6.5% left to do, or under 12,000 words. Actually, it could be even less, as I am hoping to come in under 180,000 – which would leave me some wriggle room for additional material in the rewrites.

I shall be looking for some serious beta readers by end of November.


HEART of the MIRAGE available in Kuala Lumpur — 6 Comments

  1. You mean, am I looking for seriously overworked mothers who want an entertainment break from appears at times to be dozens of progeny all demanding her time…?

  2. I’m sorry Mina, I have no idea. If you have access to a good bookstore that carries British sci-fi and fantasy, then I would say, yes, it is.

    Otherwise, there’s always online bookstores if you are prepared to pay the postage…

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