Argus Lou asks:
Which character in each of your books do you see as an extension or a fantasy version of yourself?
Hmm. Certainly there are none that resemble me physically.
When one of my book group remarked that she thought Blaze was a lot like me, I replied, “Well, maybe a lot like I would like to be. You know, tall…with a great head of hair…”, whereupon they all laughed. Which should tell you something!
But to be more serious, none of my characters are me, plus height and a great hairdo. A few, however, possess some of the traits I like to think I have. Keris Kaylen in Havenstar and Samia in Song of the Shiver Barrens both have a practical no-nonsense attitude and a rather forthright way of expressing themselves which I like.
Blaze in The Isles of Glory and Ligea in The Mirage Makers are both too bloodthirsty for me – if I were to meet them, I’d run a mile. And if I were to find myself in one of the hairy predicaments that they take in their stride, I would be scrambling under the nearest bed, not reaching for a kitchen knife or sword.
I think I would have to say that I have more in common with Gilfeather‘s pacifist tendencies, and his (often thwarted) desire to work things out in non-violent ways. I’m a writer after all, and that’s what we tend to do – try to change the world with our brand of magic, without a stick, sans bazooka.
Y0u know what? You’d probably do better to ask my friends this question, and see what they say!
One of these days I shall write a fantasy heroine that is me: a sixty-plus environmentalist, a bit overweight, thinning hair, myopic and arthritic, acerbic and logical, often forgetful, with a great sense for the ironic…I wonder if it would sell?
Of course it’d sell, Glenda. Her love interest could be a strapping, young man with muscles in all the right places, including his brain, who is understandably drawn to mature women. Now I will try to find your books to buy and read even though I’m not (yet) a sci-fi/fantasy fan.
Thanks for answering my question, by the way.
Ah, yes. The fab picture of you on a jetty near some paradis-doxical island (where is it?!) — did you actually manage to write a few sentences on that chair in the sun?
Yes, it would sell – and your sense of irony and humour would make it a rollicking fun read. :o)
There is such a belief by people generally that books are autobiographical, it must be hard to shake. I would be no good in a fight wither and such forthright and forceful character would scare the willies out of me in real life too!! I read a book recently with an older heroine and it was very good: can’t remember the name but my friend bought it and lent it to me.
As an interesting exercise I should try and create a pacifist character, because I’m not the least bit pacifist in my outlook. *g*
You are indeed a gentle, thoughtful and nurturing soul, Glenda. That’s why your books prove what a great writer you are, since some of your characters take opposite positions to your own.
It’s probably the biggest mistake readers make, assuming that every word or action from a character is a direct reflection of their own beliefs. No, it’s fiction. In the same actors aren’t the characters they play (usually) — neither are writers!
The island is Pulau Tiga off the coast of western Sabah. Love that place. I was actually working on the Mirage Makers while there, at the other end of the jetty in the shade of the trees…but my daughter has an eye for a photograph.
Which meant borrowing her Mac [“Mum, you can’t be seen to have an ordinary laptop!”] and sitting in the sun.
I must say I find this idea that authors ARE their main characters decidedly worrying…are there really folk out there who think I am Blaze Halfbreed or Ligea Gayed in disguise? Help!!
Oh, and Argus Lou, I like the idea of that strapping young man. Hrugaar and I can fight over him.
Pulau Tiga?! As in the ‘Survivor’ island in one of the first few seasons of that crazy US ‘reality’ game show? Nice!
I like your daughter’s eye for portrait-cum-scenery photography.
Hrugaar and you fight over that strapping young man, and I, ‘Arguar’, swoop in with a wooden ladle and iron wok — you gals fall by the wayside while I take him by his shock of red hair. Oooo… ^_^
Heh heh. It could be worse. They could think you were Hekat. *g*
Lol,Karen!!! Do your fans now look at you with dubious expressions on their faces??
Argus Lou: Are you going to cook him?? And yes, P.Tiga as in Survivor Island of the very first season.
Mmm, ya, but maybe I’ll have my evil way with the dishy lad before I cook him; or the other way around? (Oo-er, that’s sick – even by my standards!)
I fear if I put him in a cage to fatten him up for Merdeka, you’d come and rescue him armed with your ascerbic logic and substantial vocab.
Glenda, if the strapping youg man is drawn to mature women then I’d be on a hiding to nothing. :oD
And if he was, Hrugaar, there would have to be something seriously wrong with him anyway. No winners methinks.
Nothing wrong with a smart young man feeling attracted to mature intelligent women (or men), ya!? There are guys like that in the real world, too. ^_^
But, yay-yay, Arguar gets the strapping chappie — edibility notwithstanding.
So now we have disposed of the mythical young man to everyone’s satisfaction…? Lol!
I’d buy it
I’d love to read some fantasy books not about young people. They’d have to have a strong streak of humour of course, but it’s all good. Tempted to write them, except, well.. I’m 21, kinda a little bit lacking on the appropriate knowledge 
That’s a fault that time will cure, inkpaws…*grin*