Over on the Deep Genre site for 25th June, there’s an interesting discussion going on about why fantasy outsells science fiction. They had some excellent theories, many of which might explain the difference. Here’s my (expanded) comment: With fantasy, it … Continue reading
Glenda Larke
Well, now I know why New York seemed so friendly to me. It appears that, in the very same fact finding mission of the Readers’ Digest, Kuala Lumpur was the third bottom on the friendliness stakes. I can relate to … Continue reading
The usual Sunday post on grammar and style…Let’s get the easy one out of the way first. Whose and who’s.Simple. Who’s means who is. Always. Just like it’s always means it is. No exceptions.You can’t say “Who is book is … Continue reading
A Readers’ Digest study found that New York is actually one of the most friendly cities. I can attest to that, on the basis of the visit I made a few weeks back. Several times people took the time to … Continue reading
No sooner had I posted the blog on how we are losing touch with the natural world, that I had confirmation in a study done on why there are proportionally less people going to National Parks in the US. than … Continue reading
See also How I write a novel (1) and How I write a novel (2) So there I am, on the bus, discovering the route as I journey. Sometimes it all goes far too slowly to please me; at other … Continue reading
There was a pix in the newspaper today of a very large millipede which apparently caused a ruckus in a town market. The millipede was 8″‘ long – nothing unusual. I see them all the time in the forest. Along … Continue reading
The early morning Sunday market in Kota Kinabalu is fun. It’s also heart-rendingly sad at times. Right in the heart of the city, you can buy just about anything, from live puppies to rainforest solutions to your impotency problem, from … Continue reading
The regular Sunday writing tip… I tend to write a first draft quickly, aiming just to get the story right, with a good sense of flow. When I read it back, I groan. The flow of the story is fine, … Continue reading
A fellow writer and friend, Russell Kirkpatrick, once recommended a book of mine (The Aware) to a bookseller over where he lives in Hamilton, New Zealand (pop.130,000 – or so the town website tells me). The bookseller read it and … Continue reading