We here in Western Australia have avoided the worst of Covid-19 thanks to sensible scientific-based decisions of our politicians and public servants. We spent 3 months isolating ourselves. Once restrictions on local travel were eased, we headed north to Kalbarri, where a morning walk of 7 kms yielded up these photos of the Indian Ocean’s most easterly shores along our rugged coast.

And now I shall grapple some more with the final chapters of
“THE FUGITIVE QUEEN”*, which I am now re-writing,
as I have never been happy with the conclusion.

As the waves broke, the spray shot up into the air like fountain spray.
There’s nothing like the ocean to put bring perspective or
— in spite of the thundering surf —
to bring calm…

*Provisional title
Beautiful waves!! Glad to read you are well and safe. Tasmania had a large and serious outbreak in the NW from the Ruby Princess and we are not eager to allow Mainlanders to come here. We are on Day 93 of isolation due to an underlying condition. Please write quickly, I need a new book!!