Stormlord’s Exile, that is. Not me, just my book.
Seven times I have had a book or two up for the award (Best Fantasy Novel of the year), and seven times a book has been shortlisted. So I am one happy camper.
I hasten to say I’ve also never won the award, having lost out to a selection of superb Aussie writers over the years: Sean Williams, Trudi Canavan, Tansy Rayner Roberts, Garth Nix, Juliet Marillier, Lian Hearn.
It would be nice to win one day, but believe me, it’s GREAT to be shortlisted.
One of the special things about the Aurealis is that it is a judged reward and everyone involved is a volunteer. It is only possible because those people — the organisers and the judges — make it possible. So thanks to everyone involved.
Awards night is May 12th. In Sydney. Oddly enough, I will be in Perth (hoping to meet up with any interested others that night, to celebrate the winners and commiserate with those who didn’t…)
I think you should win. I wish you the best Glenda.
All fingers and toes crossed for you, Glenda!
Good luck! Having read all but one of the books shortlisted, it's my entirely unbiased opinion that Stormlord's Exile is in the top two shortlistees. Fingers crossed that this is your year
Good luck. I loved that book.
Congrats Glenda. Fingers crossed for you
All my fingers and toes are crossed!