Yeah, I know. I haven’t been posting lately. We are sorting out our house, throwing away things, deciding what it going to end up with the kids, and what we will take to Australia when we go, and what will stay here for my husband, who will — we assume — still be working here for a while yet. The house, however, will go up for sale soon.
This is the kind of life-change that many people have to make after the kids have left home. Do we really what to rattle around in a HUGE house, large garden, with all the expenses of upkeep, the large amount of housework that the tropics loves to give me to do? We’ve decided that we don’t.
Yesterday I gave away 188 SF/F and crime books. This week I will be going through the more literary-type fiction. My husband has been disposing of outdated papers and files…
The manuscript has been put away for the time being after the completion of the “first” full draft. I always do this, as I find that there’s nothing like separating myself from it for a while, then coming back to it. The mistakes tend to leap off the page.
If you know anyone who wants a 5 bedrm/3bathrm single-storey house and garden/orchard complete with mature rambutan, sukun (breadfruit), avocado, pink guava (jambu), and longan trees, markisa (passionfruit) vines in Bandar Baru Bangi… It’ll be up for viewing around the end of February.
I hate moving, never want to do it again
Isn't it awful? And we have lived on 4 different continents and an island…
Hoho! Thanks for the books, Glenda. Was browsing through them all night.
Look forward to your move to Perth
I hate moving too. Have done it so many times. Best of luck with it. How about the meeting with the publisher?
Oh, I'd love to have the house, but a bit far for me!!!