
Das perfekte Lesevergnügen für alle, die abenteuerliche und romantische Fantasy mögen!
Von Geburt an ist die Söldnerin Blaze dazu verdammt, rastlos zwischen den Inseln des Ruhms hin und her zu reisen. Für eine Heimat würde sie fast alles tun, und nun hat sich ihre Sehnsucht beinahe erfüllt. Sie muss nur noch eine junge Sklavin an ihre Auftraggeber ausliefern. Doch da geschieht etwas, womit niemand rechnete. Die junge Frau lehrt Blaze, dass Freundschaft mehr wert ist als ein Zuhause. Gerade rechtzeitig, denn nur gemeinsam können sie dem dunklen Magier entgegentreten, der die Inseln des Ruhms zu vernichten droht …
Über Glenda Larke (Autorin)
Die Australierin Glenda Larke lebt in Malaysia, wo sie ihre zwei größten Wünsche verwirklicht: das Verfassen von Fantasy-Romanen und der Vogelwelt des Regenwalds zu lauschen. Sie hat auch bereits in Tunesien und Österreich gelebt. In jeder freien Minute beobachtet sie Vögel.
I don’t know yet you did this cover, but the translator is Susanne Gerold.
I don't know if you've noticed but lately every single new fantasy novel out, whether it be a series/trilogy/standalone seems to have a person wearing a cloak on the cover!
I think it started with Trudi's Black Magician Trilogy over in the UK and on the weekend I came face to face with her latest and it was the same cloak! Well, maybe not the same, but it was a person in a cloak, just like the UK covers on your latest trilogy.
What is it with cloaks?????? Is this the new "it's fantasy therefore it has to have a dragon on the cover even though there isn't a dragon in the book" thing?
It's starting to put me off! Everywhere I look… cloaks!
I know, I have been carrying on about this cloak business for a while too. It happened on Karen Miller's books, four published in the UK and everyone had a cloaked figure on it. I think I'd rather have the dragon even if there isn't one. The artists are being so horribly unoriginal.
I am so glad you are being published in Germany too Glenda, but although I know you lived in Austria, I, of course, am unable to make head or tail of what you wrote
When I asked my editor, she said "Readers like them!".
As a matter of interest, I've had a number of different publishers now, nine I think, and the only one that has consulted me about the cover beforehand has been Harper Voyager Australia. They always do.
And I think the funniest ever is the Russian Tainted. And putting Patrick Swayze as Gilfeather was a bit much too…
Don't remember that, Patrick as he was or as he ended up before he died? To me Gilfeather would have been like yer Highlander.
Don't remember that, Patrick as he was or as he ended up before he died? To me Gilfeather would have been like yer Highlander.
Wunderbar Über Glenda!