At number 4 on bestseller list!!

Many people told me during the process of getting this book from computer to bookshop that STORMLORD RISING was even better than THE LAST STORMLORD, which was great to hear because I was worried about whether I would be able to replicate the success of book 1.

It certainly seems to be selling well!

I have never hit a number 4 spot before. Thanks, Galaxy, Sydney specialty bookstore par excellence!


At number 4 on bestseller list!! — 4 Comments

  1. Oh, Oh, Oh, I am waiting with bated breath for my friend in Oz to mail it to me. No way I could wait til it came out over here. Maybe when she buys it for me it will push it up the list a bit higher. Of course, I am not a bit surprised Glenda. Way to go.

  2. I'd have to agree, I enjoyed reading Stormlord Rising a lot more than the first book.

    I think the big difference was that there was nothing distracting in book 2 like the attempt in book one to conceal who the person that had arranged for Shale to be kidnapped was..

    Alternatively it could just be that I read book one directly after finishing 'The Name of the Wind', which was simply superb.

    I've enjoyed every other book of yours that I've read, so it was good to read this and find that book one was just an anomaly.

  3. Thanks Christopher for the kind words. And isn't The Name of the Wind fabulous? Lots of things in it that irritated me – the perfection of the protagonist for a start – but completely unputdownable and thoroughly enjoyable. As far as I am concerned, he can take as long as he likes on book 2 if he can produce another one like that in the end!

  4. You didn't enjoy the first book too much Christopher? I loved it as did many others. I have now received my Stormlord Rising and am looking forward to reading it because I enjoyed the first book so much.

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