Some time ago I hinted that I had some more translation deals in the offing. I have gone official on these over at the Voyager blog in this post: Writers: do we really starve in a garret?, which is about how writers try to scrape together enough money to keep heads above water, when their name doesn’t happen to be Rowling-Meyer D. Brown.
Anyway, here is the official news re translations:
Some time ago I sold the translation rights for the Isles of Glory trilogy to J’ai Lu. However, they had some reorganization of the corporate structure (parent company Flammarion) after only Book 1, The Aware (Clairvoyante), was published. The rights were then passed on to Pygmalion, which is also part of the Flammarion group. I have heard some talk of an October release for Gilfeather (titled Guérisseur in French), with The Tainted next year, and the possibility that The Aware will be re-released under a different cover. But who knows.* Anyway, that it not a new sale.
The new sale is this:
Pygmalion is also going to publish the Mirage Makers. Yay!
I have just sold the rights for the Isles of Glory German translation to Blanvalet (Random House). I’m really glad about this one. I used to have a huge following in Germany because of Havenstar (Die Fährte des Blinden) and I was delighted when the same publisher, Heyne, bought The Aware – but alas, the editor concerned left, the book languished, the rights reverted…
Now Blanvalet have stepped into the breach.
So there you are. I may not starve next year, either. (Ok, ok, no wisecracking about my excess insulation, thank you …)
*authors are sometimes the last to hear…
Excellent news!!!!!!!! Wheeeeeee!!!!!
Way to go, Glenda. Starving is not the way to lose weight anyway.