It’s all over the internet tonight, and doubtless it will hit the newspapers in the morning, so I can tell you now.
Noramly – that’s my husband, not me – is in the news.
The Malaysian government is submitting his name as a candidate for the post of Director General of the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna Austria, to replace Dr ElBaradei, who is retiring.
Noramly was a Deputy Director General for over six years up to 1992.
I am enormously proud of this man – he did a great job at the Agency before, he believes wholeheartedly in U.N. objectives and ideals, and in the future of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. He is a technical man, who believes that it is time the Agency returns to its technical roots; and that political decisions – which, when it comes to nuclear matters can be real hot potatoes – should be left up to the Board. I reckon he would do a great job, but y’know, I am probably prejudiced…
Of course, none of this may come to anything. The Board will vote in June to elect a new D.G. from the candidates put forward by governments. It is supposed to be the turn of the Asian region, although that is not necessarily the way things will turn out.
As for me, well, I always did love Vienna…
I will keep everything crossed for you and wish you both the best of luck. Keep us posted please.
So, would this mean a move to Vienna for you…or just spending a portion of your time there?
Sending positive vibes and best wishes.
My best wishes to you and your husband for a posting to Vienna.
That is great recognition by the Malaysian Government. Fingers crossed that it all works out and you get to Vienna.
It’s a very long shot. A candidate has to win a two-thirds majority of the members of the board, and some other board members will have their own candidates.
And their are lots of political considerations, over which a candidate has little or no control!
And yes it would involve a move to Vienna.
Woohoo Noramly! Even to be nominated is such a great honour that it takes your breath away. And they must’ve been pleased with the job he did last time!
Hey I would visit you in Vienna.There is no place you can hide. As Satima says the nomination itself is a great honour and long over due.
Congratulations for the nomination!! That is quite some recognition in itself! And I’ll put all my Latin American superstitions to work so that his bid is successful
All the best to both of you!
Thank you all!
oh my goodness! really hope he gets it.