Write tomorrow’s date in your diaries

You all probably think there is nothing much of interest happening tomorrow, on the 20th. So I am about to tell you differently.

My pal, David B.Coe has a new book out.
It also has a great cover.
The Horsemen's Gambit (Book II of Blood of the Southlands, jacket art by Romas Kukalis)
That’s right, the 20th January 2009 will go down in history books as a day to remember. Honestly, I’ve never said a truer word.

David and I have a lot in common. We both write fantasy. We both read history at Uni. We’re both birders. We both like Australia. (I suspect if you want to meet David, the Aussiecon4 in Melbourne might be a good place to go.) So, a birdwatching – Australia-fan – history-buff – fantasy writer. What more can you ask of a man?

I read David’s five-book Winds of the Forelands last year, and really enjoyed it. In fact as I read the first book (Rules of Ascension), I decided he must know a lot about the rules of the Malaysian sultanates and ascension to the monarchy in Malaysia, where the King is – well, sort of – elected…

Apart from writing a rattling good tale filled with memorable characters, he also showed he had a marvellous understanding of how prejudice works, and how hatreds are bred, and the perils of defining a person by his race. A wonderful read, and I’m not saying that just ‘cos David will kill me if I don’t. He’s far too nice.

Want to know more about his new series The Blood of the Southlands? (Horseman’s Gambit is book 2). Take a look here for what David has to say.


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