1. So you thought writing on a movie set would be glamorous, eh? When I got bored, I did some work on Stormseeker.
2. When a hotel room was being booked for my daughter, she was asked if she’d like the Queen Mary. Now, she’s the kind of person who get’s seasick jumping a puddle, so she said no.
3. So instead we stayed in the Renaissance – this was the view from our window.
4. I eventually found my way to the beach. I’ve decided that one reason I am not enamoured by L.A. beaches, is that the sand is such a yucky colour. Sort of nondescript brown. Give me those brilliant white sands of West Australian beaches any day…
For wh ite beaches you have to go to the Texas panhandle, so I’m told. In North Carolina we had gold beaches.
I think you should pop up to Canada whilst you are doing all this gallivanting around in North America.
One day, one day…