It is more usual on the last day of the year to look backwards, and contemplate the year past.
I am not going to do that. I want to look forward.
To all the good things ahead.
January: Another chance to win an Aurealis Best Fantasy Novel in the coming month. (Ok, I am not really expecting that one, but well, it’s nice to have a chance. And if I don’t, Jenny Fallon might, and that’s almost as good…)
February: French version of The Aware out – my first trade paperback, from J’ai Lu. It’s called La Clairvoyante.
March: Being a guest at a sff con. First time, and in my home city. Swancon/Australian Natcon, Easter. Perth. Be there. Seeing all my Oz friends/family. And a bit of down time with Karen Miller beforehand. Nice.
March-April: Wandering off with my sister around the wild southern coast of Australia, camping out under the stars … ah. That’s food for the soul.
May 1st: Song of the Shiver Barrens out in the UK.
August: Worldcon, Denver, USA. My first US con. Sharing a room with pal Donna. First time in Colarado. Yay on all counts.
August, or maybe July. Or sometime in 2008 anyway. A very special wedding of someone close to my heart. Maybe in Hawaii.
August-September: Looking after gorgeous grandson over in Virginia.
The rest of the year is still up for grabs…but I reckon it’s looking pretty good from here.
How about you all?
Anyway, Happy 2008!!!!
2008? Um, cooking lunch for a family friend on New Year’s Day … and that’s it so far!
Have a very happy new year, glenda, and best of luck for Aurealis!
Roll on March and August, eh????
Happy new year, my friend. May 2008 bring you all the joy you deserve.
I should be at Worldcon, and I live near Virginia; other than that, I don’t think I’ll be at any of your other 2008 events. Oh, wait…that’s not what you meant!
Kendall (feeling silly)
Ru, enjoy your “makan”…
Thanks, Karen Anon – and the same to you. Hope you get those books done…
Kendall – you’re going to Worldcon? We will have to meet up. Dunno about the “close to” Virginia, though …lol.
Yes, I am going to fill in the online thingy about participating. Soon.