My webmaster runs a company that provides free websites for UK charities – even websites that are suitable for people with various kinds of disabilities. See here for a bit about their enterprise, Usable Websites. As you can imagine, getting the funding to keep afloat is half the battle, and they are always running low on funds. The more assistance they get, the more websites they can build and the more charities they can help.
They have applied for funding from a group that doles out money according to the number of votes received from you, the public…so if you have nothing better to do, go here and vote for Usable Websites. They won’t even record your email address so you aren’t going to be hassled by spam as a result of voting.
I know my webmaster well, and he’s a great guy trying to help others.
I voted!
Odd that people would want charity isn’t it ? I mean, if you were someday to be disabled, would you want charity ?
No, but I might NEED it, which is a different thing entirely.
Why would you NEED charity ?