last book of The Forsaken Lands Trilogy…
Shortlisted for…
Best Australian Fantasy Novel, (Aurealis Awards 2016). A judged award.
Best Long Work of Western Australian SF,
(Tin Duck Awards 2016). A voted award.
Winners announced over Easter weekend.
Best of luck Glenda. You've not been around much lately. Hope your area wasn't affected by the storm surge.
We are fine here, Jo. In fact, we have had some lovely unseasonal rains this year to keep things looking green and replenish the underground aquifers. What was your winter like? Seems odd things these days when it comes to weather.
Pleased to hear it. We actually had quite a mild winter. Not a lot of snow for here. Not out of winter yet though even if it's April, I have known major snow storms this month. Mind you the States is really getting socked.