Possums in the stove…

Perup, where the stove is home to Brush-tailed possums…

I went away with the W.A. Naturalists Club over the long weekend. It was aimed at fungi enthusiasts, so part of the time I spent writing  surrounded by mycologists looking at mushrooms through magnifying glasses, microscopes and camera lenses…but fortunately there was also plenty for me to enjoy. Including birds.

The place was Perup, Nature’s guesthouse on Tone-Perup Nature Reserve, which manages a save-the-Woylie project, a fenced area where the predators are kept out (cats, foxes.)

Brush-tailed possums spend the day inside the fireplace…
There is a much better picture of the possum at this site here.

Perup…where the paperbarks grow HUGE
Perup walking trail, with fungi and lichens
Perup, where the hakea was flowering and the perfume was overpowering
Sundews everywhere
Mushrooms everywhere…
Woodlands: Jarrah, Wandoo, Melaleuca…

Another of those giant, twisted paperbarks…
The place also grows HUGE Xanthorrhoea, see the 3 pix below
There are some days I feel like this too…
And other days when I feel like this!
And bad hair days…I have LOTS of those


Possums in the stove… — 5 Comments

  1. How very inspirational! Wonderful setting to write in, and how astonishing are those mushrooms! Did the experts make you eat any?

  2. I noticed the mycologists weren't eating the mushrooms… However, it was my sister's birthday, and they gave her a book of mushroom recipes!

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