I have never had such a day as yesterday. Here is it in a nutshell blog.
I heard, separately, in different emails from different people:
- Shadow of Tyr has gone to reprint in UK.
- Having attracted the attention of 2 separate publishers, the Mirage Makers trilogy has had an offer that I am accepting for foreign language rights. Shan’t say any more because I haven’t signed on the dotted line yet. This is the second foreign language for the trilogy (the other was for French rights)
- I heard some nice news from Orbit US about publicity for The Last Stormlord, which I’ll tell you about closer to the date.
- Had some fabulous news from Orbit UK also about The Last Stormlord, which I’ll also tell you about later. Over the moon about this one. *Does little dance.*
- HarperCollins Australia has submitted The Last Stormlord for the David Gemmell Legend Award.
- Have had the first signs of an interest re The Last Stormlord for foreign language rights from two different countries. Nothing may come of these, but it’s never happened so early before.
- And the whiz of a writer Karen Miller booked our room for World Aussicon in September. That’s right – we are room mates again. Yay!!
So I told my husband as he went out to meet a friend tonight that he ought to buy a lottery ticket…
Oh, yeah, you know how much actual writing I did? Just about none.
Congratulations Glenda!
Delayed, but well deserved international recognition of your talent.
Wow, congratulations Glenda!
Woohoo, congrats!
And can't wait to hear the news about The Last Stormlord. Your secrecy only makes it harder to wait for!
Wonderful news! Keep it coming!
What a great day. How exciting.
Can't top this really can you. I agree with Peter, delayed but well deserved.
Looking forward to when you stop teasing and tell us what is really happening.
about 10 minutes ago I finished reading "The Song of the Shiver Barrens" (after dutifully reading the other two Mirage Maker books). I just wanted to say one thing: I am really happy about the ending. I think it was perfect, not too much detail about what followed, but no cliff-hanger. I believe your writing skills are quite brilliant. Well done!
Thanks, Krissy! So pleased to know you liked the ending so much. I agonised a lot over just where to end the story…